Animals in the experimental group were injected with Bifidobacterium adolescence and those in the control group received normal saline via ear vein. 对照组经耳缘静脉注射生理盐水,实验组经耳缘静脉注射青春型双歧杆菌。
Instead, crystalloids, normal saline or lactated Ringer's are recommended. 相反,晶体溶液,生理盐水或乳酸林格氏的建议。
Effect of continuous normal saline flush on patency of arterial pressure monitoring lines 持续生理盐水冲管对桡动脉测压管通畅性的影响
Effect of Induced Sputum with Normal Saline on Results of Sputum Culture 生理盐水诱导排痰对痰标本培养结果影响的交叉对照研究
Preliminary Study of Using Normal Saline Injection to Prevent Pneumothorax in Percutaneous Needle Biopsy of Lung 应用生理盐水预防经皮肺穿刺活检中气胸发生的初探
The Research of the Effect of High Temperature Normal Saline Regionally Perfusing the Epileptic Cortex of Rabbit Induced by Penicillin 高温生理盐水局部灌注兔大脑皮层抑制青霉素诱导癫痫的实验研究
Meanwhile, the serum contained normal saline was set as negative control. 同时设立生理盐水血清作为阴性对照。
Normal saline was injected in AD control group and normal control group. AD对照组及正常对照组同时间注射生理盐水。
Objective To evaluate the effect of normal saline as the lubricant of inserting gastric drainage tube. 评价生理盐水作为插置胃管润滑剂的效果。
Results: The levels of TSH, FT3, FT4 and CT in treated groups were increasing comparing with normal saline group. 结果:喂服中药组的血清TSH、FT3、FT4、CT浓度均明显上升,与生理盐水组相比有显著统计学意义。
In groups A1 and B1, normal saline was used for irrigating the urethra twice per day. A1、B1组用生理盐水冲洗尿道,2次/d。
You can also use normal saline face. 还可以用生理盐水洗脸。
Method: 120 cases of patients undergoing oxygen inhalation and Vaseline group randomly divided into normal saline group observation in patients with nasal moist and has no nasal bleeding. 方法:将120例吸氧病人随机分为生理盐水组和凡士林组观察患者鼻腔湿润及有无鼻腔出血。
Dosage of Normal Saline for Enema in Infants with Congenital Giant Colon 婴儿先天性巨结肠症术前灌肠生理盐水用量探讨
Under the control of pneumatic valves, the normal saline injection, ISF extraction and collection function of the tool are implemented by using the vacuum generated from the Venturi tube. 该装置可在气动阀的控制下,利用文氏管产生的真空负压,自动完成生理盐水的注入、组织液的抽取和收集。
Conclusion: Hypertonic saline can significantly improve the nasal mucociliary clearance time, while normal saline has no such effect. 等渗生理盐水对黏膜清除时间影响不明显。
CONCLUSIONS Distilled water and normal saline are the best for humidifying fluid to decrease microbial contamination of humidifying bottle. 结论降低湿化瓶微生物污染最佳的湿化液为蒸馏水、生理盐水。
Result application of autohemic arterial blood and normal saline infusion to pleural cavity can establish hemopneumothorax model on animals. 结果:应用自体动脉血和生理盐水胸腔注入法能成功地建立家犬血气胸动物模型。
Normal saline was injected in normal control group. 正常对照组注射生理盐水。
Objective To explore the effect of killing tumor cells adhered to instruments during operation with distilled water and normal saline. 目的探讨蒸馏水和生理盐水灭活污染手术器械上肿瘤细胞的不同效果。
Control group was given equal normal saline solution. 对照组仅给与等量的盐水乙醇溶液。
Study on whole range normal saline airtight blood return method to reduce risks of infection for patients accepting hemodialysis 全程生理盐水密闭式回血法对降低血液透析中感染危险性的研究
Application of contrast material with normal saline on MSCT double phase cerebral angiography 低剂量对比剂联合生理盐水在MSCT双期脑血管成像中的应用
0.9% normal saline could be used to seal the tube. 应用0.9%氯化钠注射液封管为宜。
By single i.p.propofol or normal saline FLI neurons were few found in the spinal cord. 单纯腹腔注射异丙酚或生理盐水脊髓未见或偶见FLI神经元。
The rats were bled to establish the model of hemorrhagic shock, and subsequently resuscitated with self-blood and normal saline. 经动脉放血建立大鼠出血性休克模型,随后采用自体血和生理盐水静脉回输进行复苏。
Application of Normal Saline and Air for Returning Blood in Hemodialysis 生理盐水加空气回血法在血液透析中的应用
The control group received the same dosage of normal saline at operation and after operation. 对照组术中、术后均给予相同剂量的生理盐水作为对照。
Objective: To explore the high-temperature normal saline locally perfusing rabbit cerebral cortex inhibited penicillin-inducing seizure is feasible and effective. 目的:探索高温生理盐水局部灌注兔大脑皮层抑制青霉素诱导癫痫的可行性和有效性。